Monday, July 22, 2024

Social Opportunities & Events for Kansas City Homeschoolers

 Updated 7/22/24

You are going to love this! I'm working on creating a different post for each month so you can find events for a specific month and plan your fun!

Friends, there are SO MANY activities for homeschoolers in this town! I'll add specific events and opps as I am made aware of them. If you're looking for even more, check out the right side of my site and head to the post full of Facebook groups so you can find even more fun!

If you'd like to see something you love added to this post, please email me at!

Here are a few to get you started:

Kansas City Parent Magazine (tons of things to do in Kansas City and updated monthly)

Annual in the Spring — Prom Dress Giveaway Event in Grandview

Annual in April — FHE (Families for Home Education) Prom

Annual in April — BunnyPalooza! Easter Bunny and Celebration at the KC Pumpkin Patch

Annual in May — FHE (Families for Home Education) High School Graduation at Connection Point Church in Raytown, MO

Ongoing — JCCC Driver Education Course

45 Enrichment Opportunities for KC Homeschoolers

Updated 7/17/24

Check out this piece on our very own local parenting publication, Kansas City Parent, titled "How Arts and Enrichment Benefit Kids" by Stephanie Loux.

Sports is definitely an enrichment activity, but it's too vast to be contained in this post alone. Please click on 105+ Sports and Physical Fitness Opportunities for Kansas City Homeschoolers.

If you'd like to see something you love added to this post, please email me at!


BRAKES driving program — Amazing program to teach kids valuable driving skills, including defensive driving, what to do if a tire blows, crash avoidance, panic stops, distractions, and more! The program is free, but a $99 charge is held on your credit/debit card and after the training, you can ask for a refund or leave the charge as a donation to help others benefit from the program. Register ASAP when registration opens!

47 College, Junior College, University, and Other Career Options in the KC Area

Updated 7/22/24

Hello, lovely friends who love all things education! Welcome to my post of college, university, junior college, tech/beauty school, and other career options in the Greater Kansas City area (and a little beyond because I can't help myself and I get a little "Kerried" away).

For those of you who don't know me, I am the homeschooling mom of 5 pretty great kids.

My oldest turned 23 recently and knew for a long time that he wanted to be a police officer. He took one dual-credit Psychology course during his senior year of homeschooling through Longview Community College and wasn't a fan. Part of the problem was that I signed him up too late, which meant he could only get the online option, and he could only get the double-time option. Ugh. So much reading in a short amount of time each week did not put a thirst for college into him. So ... he got his Personal Trainer Certification, worked at his lawncare job, and worked out many hours a week. He went into Police Academy at age 21 and now has a job as a police officer. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

All About Pokemon Hands-On Unit Study for Grades 3-8

So back in the day, my kids were obsessed with Pokémon. They got a huge Pokémon education for sure, but I couldn't find a Pokémon unit study online. I found one site where the writer showed a few books she got for her kid that were Pokémon-specific, but nothing was laid out and ready to teach. 

Then I found the All About Pokémon Hands-On Unit Study Course on Teachable for Grades 3-8 and I did a little happy dance!

From the Teachable site:

The All About Pokémon Unit Study includes 4 main areas:

1- Learn & Explore: in this section, your child will read articles and watch videos on anime, the history of Pokémon, the Japanese language, Japan and Japanese culture. Through each lesson in Learn & Explore, your child will complete various assignments and earn Poké Points along the way!