Monday, September 2, 2024

23 Places to Check for Homeschool Books and Save Money

In keeping with my reputation as a Connector, this post will connect you with books! But first, a little story...

(queue the sad classical music)

I was going to teach a high school Government class at our homeschool co-op, and I planned to use the 2014 edition of Declaration Statesmanship in conjunction with the Book of Readings. Early in the summer, these were easy to find for under $15 each, but as fall loomed closer, they were more rare and more expensive.

One of the moms in the co-op needed these books. 

She told me the main book was going for $200 on Amazon. I did a head-snap and was like, "WHAT?!" and then my fingers flew across my laptop keyboard searching for a better price. I knew that other parents also did not yet have the books and was worried they would not be able to find it at a good price, and that is NOT ACCEPTABLE!

And yes, there is that not-super-visible part of the page that says you can maybe get a copy used if you click a certain link. (she ended up getting the book that way; another student's mom got the book from another homeschool mom I connected her with)

If you'd like to see a place you love added to this post, please email me at!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Finding Things to do in Kansas City

Updated 9/1/24 (check back often!)

I know. I get it. I mean I REALLY get it. 

There are SO MANY things going on in our huge city and it's hard to keep up with all of them. 

Sometimes my head spins when I think of all the things that are happening ON THE SAME DAY.

And then, depending on the ages of your kids and how long you've lived here, you get to wait until your homeschooling pals or the pals of your kids decide what THEY are going to do. ('cuz, ya know, kids like to hang out with their friends whenever possible at different places, events, gatherings, etc.)

To make the most informed decisions for your family about what adventures you'd like to go on and experience each month, I'd suggest the following:

FIRST: Print some calendars

Print the monthly event calendar at both JoCo Homeschool Get Together (Kansas) and A Homeschool Adventure (Missouri). I love that they take the time to create these calendars so you can make plans in advance, and it's easy to print out and stick on a bulletin board or tape to the wall, or slide into your homeschool planner.

I have a kid who loves to ice skate, so I also print the Independence Community Ice in Independence, MO public skate calendar. I also print the KC Ice Center in Shawnee, KS calendar. They have a homeschool skate the first and third Friday of the monthly normally, and it's only $5, skates are included, and parents skate free! They also have public skate times.

Whatever your kids are interested in, find a calendar and print it! Or write dates on your own calendar. Or input things into your Google or other online/mobile calendar.

SECOND: Can't go wrong with KC Parent Magazine

Head to Kansas City Parent Magazine's event calendar on their website, which shows events by day (also pick up a copy of the magazine if you happen to pass by one). They have so many great things to share, and they also include some adult-type events, which is nice for date night and moms night out ideas.

THIRD: Check out my ideas list

Check out some of the things below that my family has done or has on our bucket list:


  • Go to a Kansas City Royals baseball game












If you're on Facebook, please like and follow the Homeschooling in Kansas City page for updates and giveaways!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

59 Kansas City Area Homeschool Co-ops, Drop-offs, & Hybrids

 Last updated 8/21/24

*Here's the link for the printable list of KC Area Homeschool Co-ops, Drop-offs, and Hybrids on Canva! I've had a request to make a printable map of all of these, so I might take that on in the fall. I've also received a request to make a post of tutors, so I'll be thinking that over and doing research. 

Have you just moved to the area? Considering moving to Kansas City, the best place in the world to homeschool? Lived here your whole life? New to homeschooling entirely?

Is your homeschool curriculum religious, secular, eclectic, rigorous, relaxed, or a mixture of a few of those? Whatever — you're in the right place!

Welcome to my post full of Kansas City homeschool co-ops (parents pitch in), drop-offs (parents get a break), and hybrids (a couple of days at a school building or other place to learn, and the rest of the work is done during the week at home)! 

I've spent lots of time and care compiling this information, so please let me know if you find a link that needs an update or if you know of another entry I could add to the list! If you'd like to see a place you love added to this post, please email me at!

With so many options in one spot, I'm hoping it makes it easier to choose the best one (or more!) for your family! Here are your many, many options, with more added all the time!

Please also check out this great post by Midwest Parent Educators titled Homeschool Co-ops, Groups, Activities: How to Pick the Right One.

180+ Sports & Physical Fitness Opportunities for Kansas City Homeschoolers

Updated 8/21/24

This post contains 31 categories full of sports and physical fitness opportunities from baseball to volleyball so homeschooled kids can move their bodies and stay healthy! 

Check back often because I'm always hearing about and sleuthing out new places to go!

If you'd like to see a place you love added to this post, please email me at!

Disclaimer: I may receive a few bucks or a freebie for helping to promote things I believe in, such as Kids Bowl Free or the POGO Pass.

Check out the Planet Fitness High School Summer Pass for 2024 (it's free for kids 14-19 years old for the summer!)

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

64 Summer Camps; Reading, Lunch, & Free Programs; & Other Summer Opps (Homeschoolers and More)

 Updated 8/14/24

Summertime in Kansas City means it's time for swimming pools and camps, reading programs and roller skating. Check out my list of spectacular summer opportunities for homeschoolers and other kids in Kansas City! I update it often, so check back 😍😍

If you'd like to see a something you love added to this post, please email me at!

  1. Adrenaline Motorplex in Adrian, MO
  2. Bach to Rock in Leawood, KS — America's Music School. Learn music while playing songs you love.
  3. Barstow School
  4. Camp Artrageous at Paint, Glaze and Fire
  5. Camp Bosco (Catholic high schoolers) — "Camp Bosco is our Diocesan High School Youth Camp. Camp Bosco takes the teens to a whole other level in their spiritual journey. Camp Bosco is a service camp. The days of Camp Bosco will be spent serving the less fortunate in the Kansas City area, the evenings will be filled with a time of prayer and learning, led by our dynamic presenters, talented worship leaders and dedicated priest who will serve alongside our staff to encourage a deeper relationship with Christ for each camper and chaperone."
  6. Camp Eagle Summit and Camp Eagle Summit Jr. (Summit Christian Academy in Lee's Summit)
  7. Camp Invention
  8. Camp Savio (Catholic) —

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

56 Kansas City Area Homeschool Facebook Groups and Pages

Updated 7/23/24

Homeschool Facebook groups are awesome for many different reasons, and here are just a few...

1. Perfect for finding things out if you're new to town.

2. You can ask advice about ANYTHING ... doctors, speech therapists, co-ops, curriculum, dual credit, transcripts, places to go and things to see, and so much more.

3. Great places to sell curriculum and other items in them and they are full of trustworthy members who have been vetted by an admin.

4. Find out about field trips, dances, fun events, park days, athletic events (soccer, volleyball, basketball, all of it!) and more, as well as promote your own events and those of your co-op, church, sports organization, fine arts organization, etc.

5. Best of all, you can get support in these groups. Third grader refuses to do school? Someone in the group has been there and can tell you how they handled that issue. Middle schooler needs some socialization? A couple of these groups create a monthly calendar (one on the MO side and one on the KS side) that's print and go. New baby and husband out of town? How about a meal train?

Some of the groups below are extremely general and large, while some are very specific to a certain area of town or an event (Airsoft Wars, Camelot Dances).  Some are religion-based and some are not. Some are just for teens, including the dual-credit group, which mostly seems to be centered around JCCC on the Kansas side, but you could always start your own dual-credit group centered around the Missouri side!

Monday, July 22, 2024

47 (and Growing!) Swimming Pools, Waterparks, Swim Beaches & Splashpads in Kansas City

Updated 7/23/24

Water fun has been a part of my kids' lives pretty much since they were each born. I grew up with Mission Pool basically in my backyard, and most days you could find my mom and me in line waiting to get in 10 minutes before they opened each day so Mom could race to her favorite corner to get "her" spot.

I think zero-depth pools are one of the greatest inventions ever! I can't tell you how many hundreds of hours I've spent at swimming pools nursing one of my babies in a lounge chair while also keeping an eye on my other kids nearby in the zero-depth area or in the baby pool.

I hope you and your family have a fantastic and safe summer enjoying the sun and the water! (and then have a wonderful winter at the indoor aquatic centers!)