In keeping with my reputation as a Connector, this post will connect you with books! But first, a little story...
(queue the sad classical music)
I was going to teach a high school Government class at our homeschool co-op, and I planned to use the 2014 edition of Declaration Statesmanship in conjunction with the Book of Readings. Early in the summer, these were easy to find for under $15 each, but as fall loomed closer, they were more rare and more expensive.
One of the moms in the co-op needed these books.
She told me the main book was going for $200 on Amazon. I did a head-snap and was like, "WHAT?!" and then my fingers flew across my laptop keyboard searching for a better price. I knew that other parents also did not yet have the books and was worried they would not be able to find it at a good price, and that is NOT ACCEPTABLE!
And yes, there is that not-super-visible part of the page that says you can maybe get a copy used if you click a certain link. (she ended up getting the book that way; another student's mom got the book from another homeschool mom I connected her with)
If you'd like to see a place you love added to this post, please email me at!